Booking Procedure
Requests for appointments are only accepted via telephone. Please call between the hours of 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM Monday to Friday to book an appointment. At the current time, we will not accept appointment requests via email. In person visits will require adherence to current pandemic guidelines:
- You must have a pre-arranged appointment – no walk-in appointments are available.
- Masks must be worn. See here for list of acceptable masks:
- If you have any symptoms associated with COVID-19, please re-schedule your appointment as you will not be seen in person.
- Sanitize hands prior to entering the clinic
- Maintain a distance of 2 metres between people
- Follow directional arrows as marked along the floor.
- Only the patient will be allowed in the clinic unless a parent or caretaker is required to accompany them.
We will not be able to provide letters or documentation stating you or your child is COVID-19 free. Only testing for COVID-19 can confirm this.